Our Services

First choose from one of our service categories:

Building Enclosure Commissioning

We lead the industry in building enclosure commissioning and performance testing.
We shape our buildings, therefore they shape us.
by Winston Churchill
We shape our buildings, therefore they shape us.
by Winston Churchill

Enclosure Commissioning

HPBS is leading the industry in building enclosure commissioning and performance testing. The team understands the importance of providing comprehensive commissioning services to ensure buildings meet project specifications and the owner’s goals. Enclosure Commissioning results in quality enclosure designs, compatible materials, and functioning components and systems that provide a durable barrier between the conditioned space and outside environment. Air leakage performance testing provides a quantitative measure of these results – HPBS has tested some of the largest and most complicated buildings in the country.

  • Comprehensive Building Enclosure Assessment
  • Building Enclosure Commissioning (BECx)
  • Building Enclosure Design Review
  • Building Enclosure Retro-Commissioning and Repairs
  • Quality Assurance On-site Construction Inspections
  • Large Building Air Leakage Testing
  • Thermography Inspections
  • Soil Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Strategies

Building Performance & Diagnostic Consulting

We provide services to improve the performance of a wide range of buildings, both new and existing.
There is nothing more uncommon than common sense.
by Frank Lloyd Wright
There is nothing more uncommon than common sense.
by Frank Lloyd Wright

Performance & Diagnostics

HPBS provides services to improve the performance of a wide range of buildings including new and existing multi-family, residential, commercial, military, industrial and manufactured buildings. HPBS also has extensive experience in determining the root cause(s) of problems such as moisture damage, comfort complaints, high utility bills, air quality and odor issues, water condensation and freezing within building assemblies and in effecting practical, effective solutions.

  • Building Performance Assessment and Monitoring
  • Diagnostic Investigation, Testing & Remediation
  • Energy Optimization Consulting
  • Building Energy Assessments – ASHRAE level I, II & III Audits
  • Infrared Thermography, Performance Monitoring
  • Indoor Air Quality Analysis & Solutions
  • Expert Moisture Management Solutions
  • ENERGY STAR Certification for Buildings & Plants
  • Failure Analysis and Expert Witness Services

Building Science Training & Outreach

We have developed and delivered on-the-job, hands-on training, and continuing education programs for a number of industries.
Good buildings come from good people, and all problems are solved by good design.
by Stephen Gardiner
Good buildings come from good people, and all problems are solved by good design.
by Stephen Gardiner

Training & Outreach

HPBS has developed and delivered on-the-job, hands-on training, and continuing education programs for weatherization contractors, installers and assembly line construction and has created video-based training tools. Training classes include continuing education courses for Professional Engineers, American Institute of Architects, Building Enclosure Council, Building Performance Institute, RESNET and other organizations. HPBS is a trusted partner to assist in developing sustainable programs for sustainability solutions.

  • Building Science Training – Basic to Advanced
  • Moisture Management training for High-Performance Buildings
  • Program Support and Development
  • Net Zero Energy Building Strategy
  • FEMA Chemical/Biological Safe Haven Solutions